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Foundation BASIC


Foundation ADVANCED

About Harmony Training



One of the major values of this method is that all elements of the exercises are justifiable on a functional level. Each of the 30 exercises contains different functional elements, but together they represent a wide range of normal human movements that might be required on a regular daily basis in the modern world.

For example, the first exercise 1a Salsa Walking contains movement elements of regular walking, like transferring weight from side to side and moving the upright trunk forward in space. Improving automatic harmony of this exercise will rollover to make walking easier and better.

Because human functionality requires upright positions and movements, Most Harmony Training exercises are upright and involve at least one foot on solid ground.


Left-right alternation

Alternating left and right sides every repetition is an important functional feature of most Harmony Training exercises. Alternation is functional because that is how humans walk, always alternating movements between left and right.

It might be easier to learn an exercise without alternating, however the exercise is only considered harmonious with alteration. However, once alternatipon is mastered harmoniously, unilateral practice should be abandoned.



As with normal human development, an advanced skill is challenged only when a more basic skill is mastered. When a baby is born, it starts off in the supine position. With motor-learning progression, the baby moves to prone, then four-point-kneeling and eventually standing. 

For this reason each of the ten Harmony Training chains progress from basic to intermediate to advanced.


No Equipment

Harmony Training exercises are defined by not using any purpose made props or accessories. This is because people do not use props for normal movement.

Besides being not required, it is important that self-practicing this method does not involve any financial commitment (which might limit some people) and free from commercial influence.

A regular wall, waist height structures like a kitchen counter or a wall-mounted bar and a regular chair are the only aids required, besides a recommended face towel.








Breathing patterns are imbedded in the exercises to enhance harmony and to protect the body in the challenging phases of certain exercises.



As movement is a naturally pleasurable function, Harmony Training exercises are meant to be pleasurable too. Discomfort or pain are therefore a sign that something is wrong and should not be practiced. Perhaps the movements need a correction, perhaps the exercise is inappropriate but if making the adjustments doesn't help, professional help should be used.











The Four Harmony Training exercise phases:

Each Harmony Training exercise repetition is significantly different, but all the exercises contain four mindful phases:

  1. Movement. In this phase the body gears its muscles and joints and moves harmoniously towards the stretch phase. All movement components are controlled by the nervous system in order to reach the end of movement harmoniously.

  2. Stretch. When the body cannot move anymore without compromising its harmonious posture. By holding the posture as much as possible while continuing to push the body, a pleasant stretch sensation is felt. The stretch is held for a split second, like a dog stretch. The enjoyable sensation is significant as it is associated with harmonious movements.  

  3. Reverse. When the body returns from its stretched position back to the starting position. This is a significant phase because if not performed harmoniously, the starting position will need to be corrected, interfering with the flow of the exercise.

  4. Relax. On the way back to the starting position, the body already starts to relax and once the starting position is assumed, the body should already be relaxed. This phase is used to emphasize the relaxation of the superficial muscles, which is a significant ability in a world of continuous pressure.



4b Balanced Pushups

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